There is no breed cuter than the Scottish Fold cat, this plush miracle, unusually affectionate and kind, looks so touching that the heart melts before its charm. Interesting facts about the Scottish Fold cat will help you strengthen your choice when peeking for Scottish fold kittens for sale!
How Scottish folds appeared
Interestingly, lop-eared cats lived in the East for a very long time, but they did not develop into an independent breed. Modern “folds” first appeared in Scotland in 1961. One day, a cat gave birth to kittens with strange forward-set ears.
It turned out that this is a gene mutation associated with a defect in bone and cartilage tissue. However, the wrong ears gave the kittens such a charming expression that the farmer decided to develop a new breed of Scottish Fold, which was recognized in the USA after fifteen years. It’s good that Americans are not as conservative as the British and Scots!
What should be the ears
According to research, Scottish fold kittens are born with straight ears and droop barely a month after birth. Moreover, the stronger the ears are pressed to the body, the smaller the size, the better. In some kittens, the ears do not droop at all, but at the same time, they retain all the other signs of the breed – such animals are called straights.
Interestingly, straights are needed to maintain the breed since two Scottish folds with damaged genes cannot produce full-fledged offspring. For this, one of the parents must have a normal gene pool. Unfortunately, despite many efforts to breed a new breed, the International European Federation for Breeding Cats has not recognized the Scottish Fold. True, this did not affect the universal love for lop-eared cats.
A little about the tails and color of Scottish Fold cats
It turns out that the length of the tail is very important for Scottish Fold cats. The most optimal length is medium when the tail reaches the shoulders. It is considered a fault in breeding if it is too long or too short. The coat of Scottish folds is soft, plush, and short and does not require special care. The variety of colors is also pleasing – in this company, you can find tortoiseshell, brindle, striped, marble, and spotted.
Particularly distinguished are tabby cats (with a bizarre color), harlequins (multi-colored spots on white fur), and van (dark spots on the head, tail, and buttocks). According to the description, Scottish Fold cats can be different, and the main thing is that common parameters and charm unite all representatives of this breed.
The best character
When you want Scottish fold kittens for sale, one major question is their personality. A lot can already be said from her appearance. Because of the large eyes and ears pressed to the head, the animal seems sad, weak, and defenseless. And, in fact, it is!
They are so kind, accommodating, and non-aggressive that they don’t even know how to protect themselves, even if it wouldn’t harm them occasionally. The character of a Scottish Fold cat can be called ideal if you have small children – it will never hurt them and will gladly participate in outdoor games. These cute kitties are very affectionate, responsive, and sociable. They appreciate the attention shown to them and are grateful for their love and kindness.
Diet and lifestyle of Scottish folds
Did you know that “folds” like to lead a sedentary lifestyle and therefore are prone to obesity? If you don’t want your kitten to turn into a calf soon, feed him premium quality food fortified with vitamins and minerals. The diet can also include low-fat meat, boiled sea fish, dairy products, boiled eggs, and vegetables, except for potatoes, cereals, green grass, and germinated wheat.
The list of prohibited foods includes fatty meats, freshwater fish, legumes, sausages, smoked meats, sweets, mushrooms, and yeast bread. Portion sizes should also be monitored, as these cats have excellent appetites. It would be best to check the obesity level when looking for Scottish fold kittens for sale. Scottish folds are sure that their main task is to decorate the interior, so make them move and move more.
Cute behaviors and habits
These beautiful creatures like to sleep on their backs and stand on their hind legs like gophers when looking at something. Likewise, they often press their paws to their chest. They also like to sit with their backs pressed against hard support. Due to problems with cartilage, they have pain in the spine, and such postures help them relax.
Another important point – do not raise your voice to the “folds.” Otherwise, their delicate psyche will not withstand such treatment. They will hide from people and be afraid of everyone. They are very vulnerable! And Scottish folds are distinguished by delicacy – they will never demand attention to themselves because obsession is not their style. Above all, they value peace, comfort, and stability. Without these qualities, the description of the character of the Scottish Fold cat will be incomplete.
Together at the TV
The Scottish Fold cat is an intelligent breed and can be trained. A grown cat can be taught to use the toilet, eat with a paw, and even watch TV with the owner. True, it’s impossible to understand what this plush miracle is thinking about while watching the news or a dramatic series!
One thing is for sure – the cat appreciates these happy moments of silent communication with a person and feels his involvement in general leisure. Scottish Fold always strives to adapt to the owner and instantly feels changes in his mood.
In summary, the Scottish Fold is a lovable and caring breed that can be quickly introduced to the family. Suppose you’re looking for Scottish fold kittens for sale. In that case, you can shop from our various collections of the breed at Pure Bred Kitties.